If you have a lower-end or integrated GPU, as most Mac systems have, then you can either go eGPU ($$$) or stick with older titles, many of which are absolutely fantastic games that will still look and run great even on very modest systems (DOA, DAII, FO3, FNV, etc.) Other suggestions: Limit your FPS to the minimum acceptable (usually 30) using Riva Statistics Tuner because Mac systems, especially laptops, often have poor cooling and you don't want to cook a machine that might otherwise give you 10 or more years of faithful service. Other than that one scenario then you are good to go. If you are on one of the unfortunate MacBook models with incredibly limited and un-expandable storage then you are basically out of luck. That same title will, absolutely, run better under Bootcamp. That's always best, but gaming on Macs is certainly doable, and not all that bad IF you are willing to install Bootcamp. For my own gaming (and for others) I build custom gaming rigs, usually liquid cooled.
But I would never, ever, suggest gaming on them in Mac OS.
I support Macs professionally, and have since the Mid 80s! They are, in many ways, fantastic systems. Honestly, the suggestions here for Mac owners are the correct ones: Just install Bootcamp and you'll never, ever go back to gaming on native Mac titles.