If you frequently hit this problem, or you want to see thumbnails of all open tabs (you can see up to 10 tabs with a Metro IE10 swipe), download and install TooManyTabs. If you add more than the screen can hold, the tabs turn into little slivers on the left. Step 1: Follow Step 1 above and add tabs till the cows come home I have no idea how it decides which tabs to throw away - it doesn't toss the first one or the last one, generally, but if you add an 11th tab, one of the old ones goes into the bit bucket. That's because Metro IE10 doesn't take more than 10 tabs.
Step 2: Swipe from the top or bottom, or right-click on the screen and you can see your tabs. Step 1: Repeat Steps 1 through 3 above to add 10 more new tabs Metro Chrome works exactly the same way that every modern Web browser works. Step 1: Click or tap on the right-most mini-tab. Step 3: Choose from frequently used or pinned tabs, or type in an URL.